
References for this software and the underlying mathematics include:


Hongwei Cheng, Leslie Greengard, and Vladimir Rokhlin. A fast adaptive multipole algorithm in three dimensions. Journal of computational physics, 155(2):468–498, 1999.


Leslie Greengard, Jingfang Huang, Vladimir Rokhlin, and Stephen Wandzura. Accelerating fast multipole methods for the helmholtz equation at low frequencies. IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, 5(3):32–38, 1998.


Leslie Greengard and Vladimir Rokhlin. A new version of the fast multipole method for the laplace equation in three dimensions. Acta numerica, 6:229–269, 1997.


Leslie F Greengard and Jingfang Huang. A new version of the fast multipole method for screened coulomb interactions in three dimensions. Journal of Computational Physics, 180(2):642–658, 2002.